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Create Wiki Web App



  1. [Azure Portal] Dashboard → All resources → Create
  2. [Azure Portal, Create a resource] Web App
  3. [Azure Portal, Create a resource] Enter the settings below.
  4. Wait for creation
  5. [Browser] Go to the WebSSH Host (May need to wait for a while for everything to be created.)
  6. [WebSSH Host] cp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default /home/default
  7. [Browser] Go to the File Manager.
  8. [File Manager] Make sure you are in the home directory. The directory should contain the site directory and the default file.
  9. [File Manager, Text Editor] Edit the default file.
  10. [File Manager, Text Editor] Add this before any other location section:
         location ~ /(data|conf|bin|inc|vendor)/ {
             deny all;
  11. [File Manager, Text Editor] Save.
  12. [Azure Portal] Go to Web App resource.
  13. [Azure Portal, TallGuyRacing-Wiki] Configuration → General Settings → Startup Command:
    cp /home/default /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default; service nginx restart
  14. [Azure Portal, TallGuyRacing-Wiki, Configuration] Save.
  15. [Azure Portal, TallGuyRacing-Wiki, Overview] Restart.
  16. [WebSSH Host] cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default Ensure the changes are there.
  17. [Browser] Go to the wiki home page. You should get “Your web app is running and waiting for your content”.
  18. [File Manager] Go to /site/wwwroot.
  19. [File Manager] Delete everything in that directory.
  20. [File Manager] Upload the from the Restore Wiki Procedure.
  21. Follow the additional setup & testing in Restore Wiki Procedure.


Subscription 2f06a290-7493-4b82-bb45-3387c0b6b2ec
Resource Group TallGuyRacing-Wiki
Name TallGuyRacing-Wiki
Publish Code
Runtime stack PHP 8.2
App Service Plan
Name TallGuyRacing-Wiki-Linux
Operating System Linux
Region Australia East
SKU Free
ACU Shared infrastructure
create_wiki_web_app.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/17 15:51 by

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