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Application Icon

How To Create An Application Icon

  1. Create it in PNG format, at least 256 x 256, preferably much bigger.
  2. Use IcoFX to create an Ico file. Repeatedly import the PNG and scale / resample to the following:
Depth Size
32 bit 256 x 256
32 bit 128 x 128
32 bit 64 x 64
32 bit 48 x 48
32 bit 32 x 32
32 bit 24 x 24
32 bit 16 x 16
8 bit 48 x 48
8 bit 32 x 32
8 bit 24 x 24
8 bit 16 x 16

How To Set The Application Icon

  1. Save all the image data in an Image directory in the project.
  2. In Visual Studio, Solution Explorer → get the properties of the project.
  3. On the Application tab, set the icon in the Icon and Manifest group.
  4. For each Windows form object, get the properties.
  5. Set the Icon property in the Window Style group.
application_icon.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/01 08:05 by

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