Table of Contents

System Set Up

Off Page Setups

2020/04/28 19:07Stephen Heise
2011/04/05 07:40 
2011/11/23 07:09Stephen Heise
2018/05/27 05:01 
2021/04/25 03:01Stephen Heise

Windows Setup

Windows Install

  1. Run it.
  2. Plug in USB drive, boot and install.

Windows Set Up

  1. OneDrive: Turn off Desktop, Documents, Pictures back up.
  2. Set Dark mode. Settings > Personalisation > Colours.
  3. Windows Update.
  4. Set up sign in, facial & fingerprint recognition.
  5. Mouse pointer size (3).
  6. Enable Long Filename Support
    1. Start → RegEdit.
    2. [Registry Editor] Address bar → Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem
    3. [Registry Editor] Set LongPathsEnabled to 1 to enable long filenames.
    4. Reboot.
  7. Mass install
    # Browsers
    winget install --id 'Brave.Brave'
    winget install --id 'Google.Chrome'
    winget install --id 'Opera.Opera'
    winget install --id 'Mozilla.Firefox'
    # Dev Tools
    winget install --id 'Microsoft.PowerShell'
    winget install --id 'Git.Git'
    winget install --id 'OpenJS.NodeJS'
    winget install --id 'WinMerge.WinMerge'
    winget install --id 'JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh' -s winget
    winget install --id 'Microsoft.SQLServer.2019.Developer'
    # IDE / Text Editors
    winget install --id 'Notepad++.Notepad++'
    winget install --id 'Microsoft.VisualStudioCode'
    winget install --id 'Microsoft.AzureDataStudio'
    winget install --id 'Microsoft.SQLServerManagementStudio'
    # General Apps
    winget install --name 'One Commander'
    winget install --id 'WinDirStat.WinDirStat'
    winget install --name 'Sysinternals Suite'
    winget install --id '7zip.7zip'
    winget install --id 'SumatraPDF.SumatraPDF'
    winget install --id 'sylikc.JPEGView'
    winget install --id 'TheDocumentFoundation.LibreOffice'
    winget install --id 'GIMP.GIMP'
    winget install --id 'Zoom.Zoom'
    winget install --id 'Spotify.Spotify'
    winget install --id 'PeterPawlowski.foobar2000'
    winget install --id 'Google.AndroidStudio'
    winget install --id 'Lexikos.AutoHotkey'
    winget install --id 'Anki.Anki'
    winget install --id 'Stellarium.Stellarium'
    winget install --id 'qBittorrent.qBittorrent'
  8. Set up Brave
  9. Uninstall crap
    1. Settings > Apps > Installed apps, get rid of crap.
    2. Run Get-AppxPackage | Format-Table
      Then something like Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.Name -like '*Xbox*'} | Remove-AppxPackage
  10. Start: Unpin crap.
  11. Taskbar: Turn off search & widget, unpin crap.
  12. Install the FiraCode Nerd Font.
    1. Download the FiraCode Nerd Font from Nerd Fonts.
    2. Extract the zip.
    3. Search for Windows Compatible and delete them.
    4. Install the 12 remaining font files.
  13. Set up PowerShell
  14. Set up Git
  15. Settings > Power
  16. Settings > Remote Desktop.
  17. Explorer: Set up options.
  18. Language & regional set up. Control Panel > Clock and Region.
  19. Back up BitLocker recovery keys to password manager.
  20. Notepad++: Enable dark mode.
  21. Notepad++: Style Configurator, FiraCode Nerd Font Mono + enable global font
OS: Windows features.
Visual Studio Code: Set up sync.
Zoom: Set up video & audio settings.
Git: Set up settings.
AHK: Set up auto load & new bin location.
Visual Studio: Install desktop dev.
Visual Studio: Extensions.
Install Microsoft Office.
OS: Taskbar, Visual Studio, run as admin.
Anki: Set up & sync.
OneCommander: Set up favourites.
OS: Set up backups.
OS: Set up start up apps.
Visual Studio: Set up snippets.
OS: Set up screen saver to keep Vanta happy:
Screen saver: (None)
Wait: 60
On resume: ✔
  1. Win, 'PC Settings'.
  2. Accounts > Sign-in Options > Set up PIN.
  3. Time and language > Date and time > Set up Formats
  4. Time and language > Region and language > Install 'English (New Zealand)'.
  1. Win, Win+I (settings charm)
  2. Tiles > Show administrative tools > Yes
  1. (Set Num Lock to be on at start up.)
  2. Run regedit.exe.
  3. [Registry Editor] HKEY_USERS > .DEFAULT > Control Panel > Keyboard
  4. [Registry Editor] Set the value of 'InitialKeyboardIndicators' to '2'. If that doesn't work, try '2147483650'.

Scheduled Task Setup

  1. Run the following:
    schtasks /Create /RU "rimu\micro" /SC ONLOGON /TN "Launch AHK Shortcuts at startup" /TR "cmd" /IT /V1
    schtasks /Create /RU "rimu\micro" /SC ONLOGON /TN "Hourly maintenance" /TR "D:\Bin\Common\Bin\PowerShellRunner\PowerShellRunner.exe" /IT /V1
    schtasks /Create /RU "rimu\micro" /SC ONLOGON /TN "Daily maintenance" /TR "D:\Bin\Common\Bin\PowerShellRunner\PowerShellRunner.exe" /IT /V1
  2. Launch AHK Shortcuts at startup:
    1. Trigger: At log on
    2. Actions: Program/script: cmd
    3. Actions: Arguments: /c “start autohotkey.exe Shortcuts.ahk”
    4. Actions: Start in: D:\Bin\Rimu\Auto Hot Key
  3. Hourly maintenance:
    1. Trigger: Settings: One time
    2. Trigger: Start: (Today) 12:00:00 am
    3. Trigger: ✔ Repeat task every: 1 hour
    4. Trigger: for a duration of: Indefinitely
    5. Actions: Program/script: “D:\Bin\Common\Bin\PowerShellRunner\PowerShellRunner.exe”
    6. Actions: Arguments: “Hourly maintenance.ps1”
    7. Actions: Start in: D:\Bin\Rimu\Maintenance Scripts
  4. Daily maintenance:
    1. Trigger: Settings: Daily
    2. Trigger: Start: (Today) 12:30:00 pm
    3. Trigger: Recur every: 1 days
    4. Trigger: for a duration of: Indefinitely
    5. Actions: Program/script: “D:\Bin\Common\Bin\PowerShellRunner\PowerShellRunner.exe”
    6. Actions: Arguments: “Daily maintenance.ps1”
    7. Actions: Start in: D:\Bin\Rimu\Maintenance Scripts

Temp Directory Setup

  1. Make the directory 'C:\Temp'.
  2. Win, 'Edit the system environment variables'.
  3. [System Properties] Click the 'Environment Variables' button.
  4. [Environment Variables] Note the values for TEMP and TMP user variables (probably '%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp').
  5. [Environment Variables] Note the values for TEMP and TMP system variables (probably '%SystemRoot%\TEMP').
  6. [Environment Variables] Set the values for TEMP and TMP user variables to 'C:\Temp'.
  7. [Environment Variables] Set the values for TEMP and TMP system variables to 'C:\Temp'.
  8. [Environment Variables] Create a system variable for 't' and set it to 'C:\Temp'.
  9. Reboot the machine.
  10. Delete the contents of the original temp variables.

IE Setup

  1. [IE] Ctrl + J
  2. [IE, View Downloads] Options
  3. (Set to 'C:\Temp')

Disable Hibernation

This is required to get GoTheFuckToSleep to work.

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator.
  2. Enter powercfg /h off.

Sleep, Reboot, Shut Down shortcuts

Shut down Shutdown.exe -s -t 00
Reboot Shutdown.exe -r -t 00
Hibernate or Sleep rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
Lock Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation
  1. Create a shortcut on the desktop.
  2. Set the icon (get from Mega).
  3. Right click it > Pin to Start.
  4. Delete shortcut on desktop.

Tall Guy Software

  1. Download from Mega.
  2. Extract it and copy to C:\Program Files (x86).

Manual Installs

  1. Mp3splt (not Mp3splt-gtk) or from Mega.
  2. SQL Complete Register with fake details.

Software Configuration


  1. Alt > Tools > Options
  2. [Options] Sync tab > Sign in. Use settings in password vault. This will probably sync most of the following settings.
  3. [Options] General tab > Startup > When Firefox starts: 'Show my windows and tabs from last time'
  4. [Options] General tab > Downloads > Always ask me where to save files.
  5. [Options] Content tab > Languages > Choose…
  6. [Languages] Set to:
    1. “English/New Zealand [en-nz]”
    2. “English/Australia [en-au]”
    3. “English/United Kingdom [en-gb]”
    4. “English [en]”
  7. Install a nice theme.
  8. Install the following extensions:
    1. LastPast
    2. MEGA
    3. Tampermonkey
    4. uBlock Origin
  9. Fix up the buttons on the toolbar.
  10. Install these user scripts:
  11. Get Firefox profile from Mega.
  12. Copy xxx? to %AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\gm1k3148.default\gm_scripts
  13. Browse to chrome://mega/content/secure.html#fm/account/settings.
  14. Click settings cog, bottom right.
  15. Set the 'Downloads folder' to 'C:\Temp'.
  16. Install the search engines:
    1. My Wiki (sw)
  17. Lastpass > preferences > General > Security > Automatically log off after idle: 60.
  18. Visit about:config and set privacy.trackingprotection.enabled to true.
  19. Restart Firefox.

Chrome / Brave Setup

See Chrome / Brave Setup.


  1. Open '7-Zip File Manager' as administrator.
  2. [7-Zip File Manager] Tools > Options
  3. [Options] System tab.
  4. [Options] Under 'All Users', set 'Zip' and anything that isn't already set to 7-Zip.
  5. [Options] Click OK.


  1. Use account.
  2. [OneNote] File > Options
  3. [OneNote Options] Display, Uncheck 'Place OneNote icon in the notification area of the taskbar'.


  1. [uTorrent] Options > Preferences
  2. [uTorrent, Preferences] General > Windows Integration > Uncheck 'Start uTorrent when Windows Starts'
  3. [uTorrent, Preferences] UI Settings:
    1. Display Options > Uncheck 'Confirm when deleting torrents'
    2. Display Options > Uncheck 'Show confirmation dialog on exit'
    3. When Adding Torrents > Check 'Don't start the download automatically'
  4. [uTorrent, Preferences] Directories (check each to specify directory):
    1. 'Put new downloads in:' E:\Torrents\New Downloads
    2. 'Move completed downloads to:' E:\Torrents\Completed Downloads
    3. 'Store .torrents in:' E:\Torrents\Torrents
    4. 'Move .torrents for finished jobs to:' E:\Torrents\Torrents\Completed
    5. 'Automatically load .torrents from:' E:\Torrents\Torrents
  5. [uTorrent, Preferences] Connection > Listening Port > Check 'Randomize port each start'
  6. [uTorrent, Preferences] BitTorrent > Protocol Encryption > Outgoing: Enabled
  7. [uTorrent] Set the columns to be: Name, Size, Remaining, Status, Health, Down Speed, Up Speed, ETA, Seeds, Peers, Availability, Seed/Peers, Label, Added, Completed On


  1. Browse to Send2c:geo.
  2. Click the 'No browser name!' link and set the browser name.
  3. Click the 'Add a device' link.
  4. [Phone] Open C:Geo.
  5. [Phone] Menu → Settings → Services → send2c:geo → Request Registration

Visual Studio

  1. Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General > Check 'Track Active Item in Solution Explorer'.


Extension Author Notes
Code alignment
Visual Studio Spell Checker (VS2022 and Later) EWSoftware
Copy fully qualified names Philipp Kogelnik


Get it from Mega.

Other Stuff

SQL Server

  1. [SQL Server Management Studio] Object Explorer > Right click the server > Properties.
  2. [Server Properties] Security > Server authentication mode > SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.

Windows Features

More Shit


  1. Download Bin.7z from backup on mega.
  2. Extract to C:\Bin.
  3. Run the xxxx Keyboard Shortcuts.ahk and fix any file location errors.
  4. Run 'Get Your Shit Together' and pin to start bar (C:\Bin\GetYourShitTogether\GetYourShitTogether.exe).
  5. Run 'Sneaker Net Sync' and pin to start bar (C:\Bin\Sneaker Net Sync\SneakerNetSync.exe).
  1. Open up %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
  2. Create short cuts for:
    1. C:\Bin\GetYourShitTogether\GetYourShitTogether.exe
    2. Firefox
    3. Process Explorer
  1. Edit C:\Bin\General Scripts\Bin\Check for updates.ps1.
  2. Check that the applications that are specified by version number match the installed versions.
  3. Run C:\Bin\General Scripts\Bin\Check for updates.ps1, fix errors, and update software.
  1. Copy Wallpaper from Mega to C:\Wallpaper.

Auto Hot Key start up script

  1. From an admin console, run something like this:
  2. schtasks /Create /RU "ps\stephenh" /SC ONLOGON /TN "Launch AHK Shortcuts at startup" /TR "C:\Bin\Provoke Shortcuts.ahk" /IT /V1
  3. Win → Task Scheduler
  4. Task Scheduler Library → Launch AHK Shortcuts at startup → Right click → Properties
  5. Action tab
  6. Edit…
    1. Program/script: cmd
    2. Arguments: /c "start autohotkey.exe Shortcuts.ahk"
    3. Start in: C:\Bin\PKS1900\Auto Hot Key (no quotes)

Start Up Folder

  1. Open %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.
  2. Win, type app name, right click app, Open file location. Copy shortcut to start folder.


  1. Run the command 'C:\Bin\gmvault\gmvault.bat sync -t quick -d “E:\Backups\Gmail”'.


  1. Create the directory 'C:\Dev'.
  2. Restore from backup?


  1. Ensure the 'C:\Bin\Backup Scripts\General Backup.ps1' script is working.
  2. Ensure the 'C:\Bin\General Scripts\Bin\Do Housekeeping and Go the Fuck to Sleep.ps1' and all of its dependencies are working.
  3. Ensure the 'Hourly Housekeeping.ps1' and all of its dependencies are working.
  1. Install the Mega Sync app.
  2. Sync 'E:\Backups\Offsite Backup Sync' with Mega:Backups/Ares.
  1. Win, 'Task Scheduler'.
  2. [Task Scheduler] Task Scheduler (Local) > Task Scheduler Library > Right click > New Folder.
  3. [Task Scheduler, Enter name…] Enter 'My Tasks', click OK.
  4. [Task Scheduler] Task Scheduler (Local) > Task Scheduler Library > My Tasks > Right click > Create Task…
  5. [Task Scheduler, Create Task] General tab > Name: 'Hourly Maintenance'.
  6. [Task Scheduler, Create Task] Triggers tab > New…
  7. [Task Scheduler, New Trigger] Settings > Daily
  8. [Task Scheduler, New Trigger] Start: '12:00:00 p.m.'
  9. [Task Scheduler, New Trigger] Check 'Repeat task every'.
  10. [Task Scheduler, New Trigger] Check 'Stop task…' and select '30 minutes'.
  11. [Task Scheduler, New Trigger] Click OK.
  12. [Task Scheduler, Create Task] Actions tab > New…
  13. [Task Scheduler, New Action] Program/script: “C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerShellRunner\PowerShellRunner.exe”
  14. [Task Scheduler, New Action] Add arguments: “Hourly maintenance.ps1”
  15. [Task Scheduler, New Action] Start in: C:\Bin\Athena\Maintenance Scripts - No quotes
  16. [Task Scheduler, New Action] Click OK.
  17. [Task Scheduler, Create Task] Conditions tab > Uncheck 'Start the task only…'
  18. [Task Scheduler, Create Task] Click OK.
  19. [Task Scheduler] Check 'Next Run Time' is correct.
  20. [Task Scheduler] Right click the task > Run.
  21. [Task Scheduler] F5 to refresh.
  22. [Task Scheduler] Ensure the 'Last Run Result' is 0x0.
  23. Check logs to make sure it worked correctly.

External Drives

  1. Create the directory C:\External Drives.
  2. Plug in Flicky.
  3. Plug in 'Backup Media'.
  4. Win, 'Computer Management'.
  5. Storage > Disk Management.
  6. Map Flicky to C:\External Drives\Flicky.
  7. Map 'Backup Media' to C:\External Drives\Backup Media.


Libraries seem to be fucked in Windows 8 :-(

  1. [Explorer] Remove existing libraries.
  2. [Explorer] Create a library called Podcast Management.
  3. [Explorer] Add to it:
    1. %userprofile%\Downloads
    2. C:\External Drives\Clippy\PODCASTS
    3. C:\External Drives\Clippy\MetalCast
    4. C:\External Drives\Clippy