Table of Contents

Restore Wiki Procedure

TODO: Change the Prepare New Wiki.ps1 script to generate a .zip file, otherwise the Kudo thing won't upload it.

  1. [Terminal] Run & 'D:\Bin\Rimu\General Scripts\Refresh Local Wiki.ps1'
  2. [Rimu] Open a Windows Explorer at the backup location (D:\Backups\Wiki\Full\data\pages)
  3. [Browser] Find the most recently changed wiki page and check that the back up has the change (wiki\data\pages).
  4. [Browser] Download the latest version of the Wiki software. Toggle off all the languages and click 'Start Download' at the bottom of the page.
  5. [Rimu] Extract files, rename root directory to dokuwiki (if necessary), and move to Downloads (C:\Users\micro\Downloads).
  6. [Terminal] Run & 'D:\Bin\Rimu\General Scripts\Prepare New Wiki.ps1'
  7. [Rimu] Check the file C:\Users\micro\Downloads\dokuwiki\web.config exists.
  8. [Browser] Start a PowerShell debug console (Kudo).
  9. [Browser,Kudo] Navigate to: /site/backups
  10. [Browser,Kudo] Delete 2023xxxx-wwwroot.7z.
  11. [Azure Portal] TODO: Try skipping this step. Restart the 'TallGuyRacing-Wiki' App Service (so that the delete works).
  12. [Browser,Kudo] Navigate to: /site/wwwroot
  13. [Browser,Kudo] Create backup: 7za.exe a -mhe ..\backups\20210110-wwwroot.7z .
  14. [Browser,Kudo] Refresh, check backup file exists. Should be about 20 - 30MB.
  15. [Browser,Kudo] Check the deletion of existing wiki stuff: Get-ChildItem . | Where-Object {!($_.Name -in '.well-known', 'backup-wiki.php', 'App_Data', 'test.php', 'test.jpg' ) } | Remove-Item -Recurse -WhatIf
  16. [Browser,Kudo] Delete existing wiki stuff: Get-ChildItem . | Where-Object {!($_.Name -in '.well-known', 'backup-wiki.php', 'App_Data', 'test.php', 'test.jpg' ) } | Remove-Item -Recurse
  17. [Browser,Kudo] Upload C:\Users\God\Downloads\dokuwiki\ to /site/wwwroot. Drag and drop it. It should extract itself.
  18. [Browser,Kudo] Delete the source (if it still exists): Remove-Item
  19. [Browser (private session)] Go to the wiki and log on as admin.
  20. [Browser (private session)] Go to Admin → Searchindex Manager → Rebuild index.
  21. [Browser (private session)] Go to Admin → Template Style Settings.
  22. [Browser (private session)] Set 'The width of the full site' to 120em.
  23. [Browser (private session)] Go to the Admin → Extension Manager page.
  24. [Browser (private session)] Remove unused plugins, update plugins that require updating.
  25. [Browser] Verify the plugins work (see Plugin Checks below).
  26. [Browser] Verify this file is *not* accessible. If it is, something is wrong with web.config file. See here for more info.
  27. [Browser] Verify search works (including private pages).
  28. [Browser] Verify old revisions work and page comparison.
  29. [Browser] Verify editing a page and previewing an edited page works.
  30. [Rimu] Delete the contents of D:\Backups\Wiki\Full (but not the directory).
  31. [Terminal] Run & 'C:\Bin\Athena\General Scripts\Refresh Local Wiki.ps1'

Style Checks

A Code bit should look good. It is defined in /site/wwwroot/conf/userall.css which should come from D:\Bin\Common\Wiki Site Root Files\conf\userall.css

Plugin Checks

Comment Syntax Plugin

Verify there is nothing after this line.

Tag Plugin

  1. Verify the tags at the bottom of this page are okay.
  2. Click one to verify tag lists are okay.
  3. Try this link.

Pagelist Plugin

This should look okay:

2009/11/25 02:39Stephen Heise
2009/01/14 00:51Stephen Heise
2009/01/14 00:57Stephen Heise
2009/12/25 09:48Stephen Heise
2009/11/24 22:48Stephen Heise
2009/01/14 00:45Stephen Heise
2009/09/18 06:15Stephen Heise
2009/01/14 00:47Stephen Heise
2009/02/02 04:12Stephen Heise
2009/01/14 23:57Stephen Heise
2009/01/14 23:55Stephen Heise
2010/10/05 20:02Stephen Heise
2009/09/23 04:59Stephen Heise
2009/01/14 23:58Stephen Heise
2010/03/14 22:11Stephen Heise
2009/11/04 20:44Stephen Heise
2010/04/27 22:42Stephen Heise

Blockquote Plugin

This should look okay:

Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.Leviticus 25:44 OT (New International Version)


Ensure there is a paint brush icon with 'Rename Page' attached to this page at the top right.

Plugin List


  1. Check the web server can serve an image.
  2. Check the web server can serve a basic PHP page.
  3. Logs. Probably have to enable logging first. Can view either the Portal Log Stream or the Kudu Log Stream. Not sure which works better. Takes a while to come through.


Last time it was the plugins that broke the wiki.

  1. [FileZilla] Delete everything from /site/wwwroot/lib/plugins.
  2. [FileZilla] Download a fresh copy of the wiki and upload the plugins directory.
  3. [Browser] Log into wiki as admin, go to the Extension Manager
  4. [Browser] Search and install all the plugins list above.
  5. [Browser] Go to Searchindex Manager, rebuild index.

Rate Limiting the Searchindex Manager plugin

This probably doesn't need to be done, now that the wiki is hosted on Azure.

  1. [Ares] Open wiki/lib/plugins/searchindex/ajax.php in Notepad++.
  2. [Notepad++] Add the sleep line of code near the bottom of the file:
        // do the work
      $success = idx_addPage($_POST['page'], false, $force);
  3. [Notepad++] Save new version of the file.