Table of Contents

Reaper: Mastering And Rendering

  1. Add 'ReaLimit' FX to master track.
  2. Add JS: Loudness Meter Peak/RMS/LUFS FX to master track.
  3. Adjust the threshold in the limiter, until LUFS-I in meter is what you want. Note that LUFS-I only works properly if the whole song is played.
  4. To hear the effect of the limiter threshold without the change in volume, check the Link option.
  5. These two plugins use quite a bit of CPU, so should be disabled until rendering is required.

Mastering with REAPER stock FX Plugins


  1. Add these FX to the master track:
    1. JS: Soft Clipper/Limiter
      1. Boost: 0.0 - 1.0 db. (to taste)
      2. Output Brickwall: -1.0 db
    2. VST: ReaLimit
      1. Threshold: -2.0 db
      2. Brickwall Ceiling: -1.0
    3. JS: Loudness Meter Peak/RMS/LUFS
    4. VST: ReaXcomp
      1. Top Freq 1: 254 Hz
      2. Top Freq 2: 3500 Hz
      3. Top Freq 2: 24000 Hz
      4. Threshold: -12.0 db
      5. Ratio: 2 :1
      6. Knee: 0.0 db
      7. Attack: 100 ms
      8. Release: 100 ms
      9. RMS size: 3 ms
  2. We don't want the limiter working too hard - it should just be knocking down a few peaks here and there.

Make the bass more mono

  1. JS: Mid/Side Encoder
  2. VST: ReaEQ
    1. Pin connector: Switch off input 1 & output 1. Should be 2 ⇒ Input R, and Output R ⇒ 2.
    2. Low Shelf: -6 db, 200Hz, 0.80 oct
  3. JS: Mid/Side Decoder


Generally speaking, it is recommended to aim for a range between -14 and -16 dB LUFS.

Spotify -14 LUFS
Apple Music -16 LUFS
Amazon Music -9 to -13 LUFS
Youtube -13 to -15 LUFS
Deezer -14 to -16 LUFS
Soundcloud -8 to -13 LUFS


Hear the effect of the limiter

This trick will enable you to hear the effect of the limiter without changing the volume.

  1. Add JS: Event Horizon Limiter/Clipper to master track.
  2. Threshold: 0.0
  3. Ceiling: -0.0
  4. Release: 0.0
  5. Select Edit button.
  6. Scroll down to @slider.
  7. Add slider2=slider1; afterwards.
  8. Threshold & Ceiling are now linked. Decrease the Threshold to hear the artifacts of the limiter.