Table of Contents

Reaper Cheat Sheet

2024/09/12 05:31Stephen Heise
2024/06/12 05:02Stephen Heise
2024/09/12 05:48Stephen Heise
2024/09/18 05:11Stephen Heise

Keyboard Shortcuts

Go to start W or Home
Go to end End
Go to next marker or end ]
Go to previous marker or start [
Go to marker number 1 - 9
Create region Shift + R
New track Ctrl + T
Add marker M
Item split S
Create MIDI item Ctrl + mouse drag
Move item, disable snapping Shift + mouse drag
Save Track View 1, 2, 3 Shift + F4, F5, F6
Load Track View 1, 2, 3 F4, F5, F6

Recording Checklist

Lanes / Comping

Tempo Mapping

  1. Project Settings (🛈 in toolbar).
  2. [Project Settings] Timebase for items/envelopes/markers: Time
  3. For each MIDI item (if any):
    1. Right click > Source properties…
    2. [MIDI item properties] Ignore project tempo: checked
  4. Make sure the audio starts after bar 2.
  5. View > Tempo envelope
  6. Turn on Grid & Snap.
  7. [Snap/Grid Settings] Show grid, line spacing: checked, 1, 1/2 or 1/4, depending on how accurate you want it.
  8. First one:
    1. Shift + click on bar line in Tempo envelope to create marker.
    2. Ctrl + drag on tempo at top of marker and move it to beginning of transient.
    3. Alt + click to delete it.
    4. Shift + click to create it again.
  9. The rest:
    1. Shift + click on bar line in Tempo envelope to create marker.
    2. Ctrl + drag on tempo at top of marker and move it to beginning of transient.
  10. Adjust one marker without affecting everything to the right:
    1. Ctrl + Alt + drag on tempo at top of marker.

Tempo Matching

  1. Crop start of recorded item to first note.
  2. Move item to the beginning of the track.
  3. Double click item, Item timebase: Time
  4. Shift + double click item (create a time selection that matches the item).
  5. Adjust the end of the time selection to the end / start of a part in the recording. Note the time signature and number of bars.
  6. Check it by turning on looping and play it back.
  7. Right click ruler, Set project tempo from time selection (new time signature).
  8. [Edit Time Signature] Fill out details, OK.
  9. Check with metronome.
  10. Clean up, double click item, Item timebase: Track/project default timebase.

Stretch Markers


  1. Add stretch markers with Shift + W (current position) or Alt + Ctrl + Click.
  2. Add stretch markers before the note, on the note and after the note.
  3. Turn on snap to grid and drag stretch marker.

Auto: (better for working on most of the item)

  1. Select item, Edit > Dynamic Split (or D).
  2. [Dynamic split items] Split points: At transients: checked (others unchecked).
  3. [Dynamic split items] Action to perform: Add stretch markers to selected items.
  4. [Dynamic split items] Set transient sensitivity.
  5. [Transient Detection Settings] Adjust Sensitivity & Threshold.
  6. [Dynamic split items] Adjust Min slice length.
  7. [Dynamic split items] Add stretch markers.
  8. Delete unwanted stretch markers with Alt + click.
  9. Select item, right click, Stretch markers > Stretch markers in selected items > Snap to grid.

Transient Guides: (better for working a smaller section of a large item)

  1. Select item, Edit > Dynamic Split (or D).
  2. [Dynamic split items] Split points: At transients: checked (others unchecked).
  3. [Dynamic split items] Action to perform: Add transient guide markers to selected items.
  4. [Dynamic split items] Set transient sensitivity.
  5. [Transient Detection Settings] Adjust Sensitivity & Threshold.
  6. [Dynamic split items] Adjust Min slice length.
  7. [Dynamic split items] Generate guides.
  8. Grabbing a guide creates a stretch marker. Start with the beginning and end of the section, then add the middle ones, snap to grid.


Stop current chord 0 or Num 0
Audition chord Click chord
Insert chord into MIDI window Shft + Click chord

Freeze Tracks (to save CPU)

  1. Right click the track, Render/freeze tracks > Freeze tracks to x.
  2. If the track is a parent track:
    1. Mute the child tracks.
    2. Colapse the track folder.
