Table of Contents

Octopus System Setup

Install Notes

Application Install


# Dev Tools
winget install --id 'Microsoft.SQLServer.2019.Developer'
winget install --id 'Microsoft.DotNet.Framework.DeveloperPack_4' -v 4.6.2
winget install --id 'Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.6'
winget install --id 'Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.7'
winget install --id 'Microsoft.PowerShell'
winget install --id 'Git.Git'
winget install --id 'OpenJS.NodeJS'
winget install --id 'WinMerge.WinMerge'
winget install --id 'JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh' -s winget
winget install --id 'Docker.DockerDesktop'
# Browsers
winget install --id 'Brave.Brave'
winget install --id 'Google.Chrome'
winget install --id 'Opera.Opera'
winget install --id 'Mozilla.Firefox'
# IDE / Text Editors
winget install --id 'Notepad++.Notepad++'
winget install --id 'Microsoft.VisualStudioCode'
winget install --id 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Professional'
winget install --id 'Microsoft.AzureDataStudio'
winget install --id 'Microsoft.SQLServerManagementStudio'
# General Apps
winget install --name 'One Commander'
winget install --id 'WinDirStat.WinDirStat'
winget install --name 'Sysinternals Suite'
winget install --id '7zip.7zip'
winget install --id 'SumatraPDF.SumatraPDF'
winget install --id 'GIMP.GIMP'
winget install --id 'Zoom.Zoom'
winget install --id 'Spotify.Spotify'
winget install --id 'PeterPawlowski.foobar2000'
winget install --id 'Lexikos.AutoHotkey'
winget install --id 'Anki.Anki'
# PowerShell modules
Install-Module BurntToast

Manual Installs

Command Line Checks

Open a prompt and check that each of these commands work. Version numbers are as of 22-12-2022 and will obviously change over time.

>  dotnet --version
>  node -v
>  npm -v
>  git version
git version
>  docker-compose version
Docker Compose version v2.13.0

System Setup

Enable Long Filename Support

  1. Start → RegEdit.
  2. [Registry Editor] Address bar → Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem
  3. [Registry Editor] Set LongPathsEnabled to 1 to enable long filenames.
  4. Reboot.


From admin prompt:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Windows Features


Application Setup


See Chrome / Brave Setup.


Octopus Server Dev Setup

SQL Server

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  2. [SSMS] Connect to your local instance.
  3. [SSMS] In the Object Explorer, right click your local machine and select Properties.
  4. [SSMS, Server Properties] Select the Security page.
  5. [SSMS, Server Properties] “Server authentication” → SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
  6. [SSMS, Server Properties] Ok.
  7. [SMSS] In the Object Explorer, right click your local machine and select Restart. Give it a few seconds to do its thing.
  8. [SSMS] In the Object Explorer, navigate to (Your server) → Security → Logins.
  9. [SSMS] Right click the sa login and select Properties.
  10. [SSMS, Login Properties] Select the General page.
  11. [SSMS, Login Properties] Override the default password with a known password. Note it down in a safe place as you will need it later.
  12. [SSMS, Login Properties] Untick Enforce password policy.
  13. [SSMS, Login Properties] Select the Status page.
  14. [SSMS, Login Properties] “Permission to connect to database engine:” → Grant.
  15. [SSMS, Login Properties] “Login:” → Enabled.
  16. [SSMS, Login Properties] Ok.

Refer to this documentation.