====== Sysobject SQL ====== Code snippets that get useful information out of the sysobjects table. ^ Sysobjects.type ^ Meaning (SQL Server) ^ Meaning (Sybase) ^ | C | CHECK constraint | Computed column | | D | Default or DEFAULT constraint | Default | | F | FOREIGN KEY constraint | SQLJ function | | FN | Scalar function | | | IF | Inlined table-function | | | L | Log | Log | | N | | Partition condition | | P | Stored procedure | Transact-SQL or SQLJ procedure | | PK | PRIMARY KEY constraint (type is K) | | | PR | | Prepare objects (created by Dynamic SQL) | | R | | Rule | | RF | Replication filter stored procedure | | | RI | | Referential constraint | | S | System table | System table | | TF | Table function | | | TR | Trigger | Trigger | | U | User table | User table | | V | View | View | | X | Extended stored procedure | | | XP | | Extended stored procedure | ===== All User Tables ===== select sysobjects.name as TableName , * from sysobjects where sysobjects.type = 'U' ===== All Columns from User Tables ===== select sysobjects.name as TableName , syscolumns.name as ColumnName , * from sysobjects join syscolumns on syscolumns.id = sysobjects.id where sysobjects.type = 'U' ===== All Identity Columns from User Tables ===== select sysobjects.name as TableName , syscolumns.name as ColumnName , * from sysobjects join syscolumns on syscolumns.id = sysobjects.id where sysobjects.type = 'U' and syscolumns.status >= 128 {{tag>code_snippet sql sysobjects}}