====== Stephen's Wiki ====== Welcome to Stephen's wiki. There is lots of really great content here - you just have to search for it. ====== Stephen's Blog (sort of) ====== This is a collection of random stuff I want to record for future reference. Probably not much use to anyone else. ===== .NET Logging Levels ===== Trace = 0, Debug = 1, Information = 2, Warning = 3, Error = 4, Critical = 5, and None = 6. ===== Running with Rubix ===== As of 2023-06-30, Rubix and I have done 1,234 runs and covered 13,195.10kms together. ===== Restart Garmin Forerunner 235 ===== Hold down the ☀️ button for ages. Watch will power off. Press it again to power on. Settings etc. are not lost. ===== Set Environment Variable in Unit Test ===== Create a ''something.runsettings'' file and put it in the solution directory: true Getting Visual Studio to use the file is a bit tricky. Try Test -> Configure Test Settings. You may need the 'Select Solution Wide runsettings File'. Eventually the file itself should appear in the menu. To test, debug and stop at a breakpoint. Run ''Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()'' in the Immediate Window. ===== Direct Object Creation with Ninject ===== This will only work inside an ASP.NET project. using System.Web.Mvc; private ILog _log; private ILog Log => _log ?? (_log = (ILog)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(ILog))); ===== Azure Virtual Machine Windows Activation Problems ===== Running this worked on my Azure Dev VM: ForEach-Object { Invoke-Expression "$env:windir\system32\cscript.exe $env:windir\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato" ; start-sleep 5 } More details at [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/virtual-machines/troubleshooting/troubleshoot-activation-problems?WT.mc_id=Portal-Microsoft_Azure_Support|Troubleshoot Azure Windows virtual machine activation problems]]. ===== Log all TypeScript functions ===== Search: ''(public|private)( static)?\s*([\w]+)\(.*?\)(:\s*[\w<>]+)?\s*\{'' Replace: ''$0 console.log('Module: $3');'' ===== Stupid Roslyn Error ===== Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Dev\BucketsOfFunds\BucketsOfFunds.Web\bin\roslyn\csc.exe'. Run this in the Package Manager Console: Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r ===== Use PowerShellGet behind a corporate proxy ===== notepad $PROFILE Add this to the top: [system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy = new-object system.net.webproxy('') # To use your current Windows account to log on to the proxy: [system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials # To use a different Windows account: $Username="domain\username" $Password="password" [system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password) [system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = $true Restart your PowerShell session. Fix up the repository source: Register-PSRepository -Default Check you have a repository: Get-PSRepository Should get ''https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2''. ===== Add the IIS Development certificate to the Trusted Root Certificates ===== - Open MMC. - Add the Certificates snap-in for 'Computer account'. - Console Root > Certificates (Local Computer) > Personal > Certificates. - localhost (IIS Express Development Certificate) > Right click > Copy. - Console Root > Certificates (Local Computer) > Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates. - Actions (right panel) > More Actions > Paste ===== Kill Chrome instances from automated testing ===== (Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'Chrome.exe'" | Where-Object { $_.CommandLine.Contains("--enable-automation") }).Terminate() And if you want to get rid of the Chrome driver as well (which is always a good idea): (Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'Chrome.exe'" | Where-Object { $_.CommandLine.Contains("--enable-automation") }).Terminate(); (Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'chromedriver.exe'").Terminate(); ===== Faking DateTime.Now() ===== using (ShimsContext.Create()) { System.Fakes.ShimDateTime.NowGet = () => new DateTime(2019, 03, 31); ... } ===== Chrome Dev Tools - Show only bad network requests ===== Copy and paste the below into the filter. ''-is:running -status-code:200 -status-code:302 -status-code:204 -status-code:304 -status-code:307'' ===== Unit testing - test a method on a property is executed ===== Requires the [[https://github.com/moq/moq4|Moq]] [[https://www.nuget.org/packages/Moq|NuGet package]]. [TestMethod] public void MealViewModel_Banana_EatMethodIsCalled_DrinkIsNot() { IUtensil spoon = new Spoon(); var mockBanana = new Mock(); var test = new MealViewModel(); testMeal.Banana = mockBanana.Object; // Calling Eat() on the meal should also call Eat() on the banana. testMeal.Eat(spoon); mockBanana.Verify(banana => banana.Eat (It.IsAny()), Times.Once, "Banana should be eaten with a utensil."); mockBanana.Verify(banana => banana.Drink(It.IsAny()), Times.Never, "Banana should not be drunk."); // Not sure if an interface will work here -------^^^^^^^^ } ===== Visual Studio can't open CSHTML files ===== {{ :visual_studio_cant_open_cshtml_files.png |}} Fix it thusly: - Close Visual Studio. - Delete everything in ''%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache'' - Open Visual Studio. ===== Append randomness to start of a filename ===== Get-ChildItem *.mp3 | ForEach-Object{Rename-Item $_ -NewName "$(Get-Random) $($_.Name).mp3"} ===== Why did Windows wake from sleep? ===== Run this and find out: powercfg -lastwake ===== HTML Sanitation ===== Add the 'AntiXSS' (Microsoft) package from NuGet. var input = "fjkdlsjf klds Test HubAdmin"; var output = Microsoft.Security.Application.Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(input); // fjkdlsjf klds Test HubAdmin ===== Setting up a Database User ===== - [SQL Server Management] Right click the **server**, Properties. - [SQL Server Management, Server Properties] Security -> Server Authentication -> SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode - [SQL Server Management, Server Properties] Ok - [SQL Server Management] Right click (Server) -> Security -> Logins, New Login... - [SQL Server Management, Login - New] General -> Fill in details. - [SQL Server Management, Login - New] Server Roles -> public only. - [SQL Server Management, Login - New] Ok - [SQL Server Management] Right click (Server) -> Databases -> (Database) -> Security -> Users, New User... - [SQL Server Management, Database User - New] General -> Fill in details. - [SQL Server Management, Database User - New] Membership -> Fill in details. - [SQL Server Management, Database User - New] Ok. ===== Reading Event Logs with PowerShell ===== # Logs that contain 'Sequence contains'. Get-EventLog Application -Source M.pad -newest 20 -message "*Sequence contains*" | Format-Table -autosize -wrap # Logs that do not contain 'FromCommonAuditItem'. Get-EventLog Application -Source M.pad -newest 2000 | Where { $_.Message -notmatch 'FromCommonAuditItem' } | Format-Table -autosize -wrap ===== Unit Testing Private Methods ===== Ignoring the argument as to whether a private method //should// be unit tested... using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; public class Banana { private int _count; private static int Add(int n1, int n2) { return n1 + n2; } private int Inc() { _count = Add(_count, 2); return _count; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { PrivateType bananaTest1 = new PrivateType(typeof(Banana)); int result1 = (int)bananaTest1.InvokeStatic("Add", 12, 34); PrivateObject bananaTest2 = new PrivateObject(new Banana()); int result2 = (int)bananaTest2.Invoke("Inc"); } } ===== Enable external web requests (Win8) ===== - Open 'Windows Firewall' (with Advanced Security) - Add an Inbound Rule - Local port 80 (and 443 if HTTPS is required). ===== When HTTPS requests always return 404s ===== - [IIS Manager] Select the //Default Web Site//. - [IIS Manager] On the right, under Actions, Edit site, select //Bindings...// - [IIS Manager, Site Bindings] There should be two entries, http & https. Select //https//, select //Edit...// - [IIS Manager, Edit Site Binding] SSL certificate should be selected (e.g. PKS1684.corp.ps.co.nz). ===== Poor Man's Dependency Injection ===== Chris used an abstract base class. The following should be adapted for an interface, if possible. /* */ public abstract class DefinitionService { public abstract List GetAllCategories(); // ... public static DefinitionService Current { get { var activeServiceName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefinitionService"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeServiceName)) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Definition Service type not specified or blank"); var serviceType = typeof(DefinitionService).Assembly.GetType(activeServiceName); if (serviceType == null || !typeof(DefinitionService).IsAssignableFrom(serviceType)) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Definition Service type does not exist or does not inherit from DefinitionService"); var defaultConstructor = serviceType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if (defaultConstructor == null) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Definition Service type does not have an empty constructor"); return (DefinitionService)defaultConstructor.Invoke(null); } } } ===== How to view LINQ Generated SQL statements ===== ((System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery)myQuery).ToTraceString() Or, if you want an extension method: public static class IQueryableExtensions { public static string ToTraceString(this IQueryable t) { ObjectQuery oqt = t as ObjectQuery; return oqt == null ? string.Empty : oqt.ToTraceString(); } } ===== Windows Azure Regional Response Times ===== ^ Region ^ Free ^^ Standard ^^ ^ ^ Mean ^ StdDev ^ Mean ^ StdDev ^ | West US | 160.03 | 23.97 | 155.72 | 12.17 | | East Asia | 163.13 | 22.12 | 159.67 | 13.76 | | North Central US | 205.12 | 11.56 | 207.13 | 15.07 | | East US | 212.42 | 9.47 | 213.05 | 12.15 | | North Europe | 293.83 | 16.72 | 287.96 | 14.76 | | West Europe | 307.37 | 45.31 | 296.47 | 11.05 | [[http://azurespeedtest.azurewebsites.net/|Azure Speed Test]] Just use **Australia East**. ===== Unget Files from TFS ===== - [Visual Studio] Open Source Control Explorer. - [Visual Studio - Source Control Explorer] Right click the branch or folder to be ungetted. - [Visual Studio - Source Control Explorer] Select 'Get Specific Version...' - [Visual Studio - Get dialogue] Type: Changeset. - [Visual Studio - Get dialogue] Changeset: 1. - [Visual Studio - Get dialogue] Click Get. Bye bye local files and the branch / folder is updated correctly in the Source Control Explorer. ===== Caches along a trail ===== - Open this page in a **new** browser window. - Setup a [[http://www.geocaching.com/my/lists.aspx|list]] for the results. - Create a new or reuse an existing [[http://www.geocaching.com/my/userroutes.aspx|route]]. - Create a run-once pocket query based on the route. - Sort the results by favourites and open each in separate browser tab. - Send each one to c:geo. - Bookmark the first one and add it to the list. - Bookmark all the rest. - Go back to the [[http://www.geocaching.com/my/lists.aspx|lists]] and create a pocket query based on it. - Check lots of boxes and Use the "Uncheck the day of the week after the query runs" option. - Go to [[http://www.geocaching.com/pocket/default.aspx|pocket queries]] and delete it. - Wait for email. - Upload attached GPX file to phone. - Import caches into Locus. - Use [[http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/|uMap]] (Twitter log in). - Create new map and upload GPX file. To print: - Open uMap page in Firefox. - F11 to full screen. - Ctrl + PrnScn (or whatever it is). - Open Paint.NET, paste & print. - Untick 'Fit picture to frame'. ===== How to enable Service Tracing ===== - [Visual Studio] Tools -> WCF Service Configuration Editor - [Microsoft Service Configuration Editor] File -> Open -> Config File... - [Microsoft Service Configuration Editor] (Open the Web.config file) - [Microsoft Service Configuration Editor] Diagnostics (not a subnode) - [Microsoft Service Configuration Editor] Click Enable MessageLogging - [Microsoft Service Configuration Editor] Click Enable Tracing - [Microsoft Service Configuration Editor] File -> Save - [] Rerun app and reproduce error or whatever. - [Windows Explorer] Open directory with Web.config in it. - [Windows Explorer] Double click Web_messages.svclog and Web_tracelog.svclog. ===== MVC Date binding ===== [DataType(DataType.Date)] [DisplayName("Start date")] [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)] [Date(ErrorMessage = "Please enter a start date")] public DateTime StartDate { get; set; } ===== Get a connection string using a GUI ===== - Minimise all windows. - On the desktop, create a new file and name it 'test.udl'. - Double click it. - Select Provider and connection settings and play with them until they work. - Click ok. - Open 'test.udl' in a text editor. There is your connection string. ===== Delete a TFS Workspace that does not exist ===== Visual Studio can sometimes get a bit confused about which TFS workspaces exist and which don't. Sort it out with the Visual Studio Command Prompt. Figure out what workspaces really exist: tf workspaces /collection:sourcecontrol.company.co.nz\DefaultCollection Well and truly delete the motherfucker: tf workspace /delete workspacename If ''tf'' starts complaining about "Unable to determine the source control server", try running the first command again (it seems to magically fix shit up or something): tf workspaces /collection:sourcecontrol.company.co.nz\DefaultCollection ===== Rob Connery's JavaScript Inferno ===== ^ Library ^ Conceptual Density ^ Googles/Hour ^ Scaling Pain¹ ^ Rob's Choice ^ | Knockout | Fairly Low | 6 - 8 | 20, 25, 50, 90 | 80% of the time | | Backbone | High | 25 - 30 | 50, 30, 20, 20 | | | Angular | Medium/ High | 10 - 20 | 10, 20, 70, 90 | Simple JS App | | Ember | Extreme | *² | 90, 25, 20, 10 | Big JS App | ¹ Simple, Moderate, Advanced, Enterprise\\ ² Gave up googling, api changes often, lots of out-of-date info on web. ===== Conditional Attributes in Razor =====
Note that Razor is quite fussy about the format of the ''style=display:none'' bit. No spaces. A less nice method that also works is:
===== ASP.NET MVC Security Check List ===== See [[asp_net_mvc_security_check_list|ASP.NET MVC Security Check List]]. ===== Problem Steps Recorder ===== On Windows 7 and above: - Start button. - Type ''Steps'' or ''PSR''. - Click 'Record steps to reproduce a problem'. - Be amazed. ===== Updating NuGet VS2010 WinXP ===== - Download ''NuGet.Tools.vsix'' (look for it at [[http://nuget.org|nuget.org]]) - Uninstall NuGet from within Visual Studio. - Close Visual Studio. - Run the ''NuGet.Tools.vsix'' file to install the new version. ===== Log Parser Examples ===== Search the application event log on the local machine: LogParser.exe -i:evt -rtp:-1 "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM Application WHERE SourceName like '%Reporting%'" > d:\Temp\Output.txt Search the standard three event logs on the local machine: LogParser.exe -i:evt -rtp:-1 "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM System, Application, Security WHERE SourceName like '%Reporting%'" > d:\Temp\Output.txt Search the application event log on a remote machine (may take a while): LogParser.exe -i:evt -rtp:-1 "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM \\MachineName\Application WHERE SourceName like '%Reporting%'" > d:\Temp\Output.txt The ''-rtp:-1'' option suppresses the "Press a key..." prompt. ===== Batch Convert Image Format ===== In a Powershell console: Get-Item *.jpg | ForEach-Object { magick convert $_ "$($_.basename).png" } This also works: Get-ChildItem 'C:\External Drives\Primary Media 2\My Pictures\Fractals\FA (Dual Monitor Wallpaper)' | Foreach { magick convert $_.FullName -resize 3840x1080! -quality 99 $_.Name } For canvas prints through pixelpaint.co.nz, use **8E** series images and convert to JPEG, < 15MB. Copy images from ''C:\External Drives\Primary Media 2\My Pictures\Fractals\8E (Printing)'' to a temp directory. Run this: Get-ChildItem | Foreach { magick convert $_.FullName -quality 98 "$($_.basename).jpg" } For any that are still bigger than 15MB, decrease quality and / or size (''-resize 80%%''). ===== Firefox Command Line Parameters ===== | -ProfileManager | Starts Firefox with the Firefox Profile Manager. | | -P "Profile Name" | Starts Firefox using the specified profile. | | -safe-mode | Starts Firefox in "Safe Mode" - useful when extensions go awry. | | -no-remote | Permits multiple instances of Firefox using separate profiles. | ===== Enabling NTLM Authentication (Single Sign-On) in Firefox ===== - Open Firefox and type ''about:config'' in the address bar. - In the //Filter// field enter ''network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris''. - Set the value to a comma separated list of sites:http://intranet.company.com,http://email.company.lan ===== Binding a Drop Down to a Value That Might Not Exist ===== How do I fix the following error: ‘dropdownlist1′ has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items - Remove the //SelectValue// binding in the drop down:SelectedValue='<%# Bind("LocationId") %>' - In the code behind, add the following to the PreRender of the FormView:Protected Sub EmployeeDetailsFormView_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles EmployeeDetailsFormView.PreRender If EmployeeDetailsFormView.CurrentMode = FormViewMode.Edit Then Dim Location_DropDownList As DropDownList = CType(EmployeeDetailsFormView.FindControl("Location_DropDownList"), DropDownList) Dim rowView As DataRowView = CType(EmployeeDetailsFormView.DataItem, DataRowView) If IsNothing(rowView) Then Return ' Or perhaps throw an exception. Dim locationId As String = rowView("LocationId").ToString() If Not IsNothing(Location_DropDownList.Items.FindByValue(locationId)) Then Location_DropDownList.SelectedValue = locationId Else ' TODO: Set the value to whatever it should be if there is no match. Location_DropDownList.SelectedValue = "0" End If End If End Sub - Then add the following the ItemUpdating of the FormView:Protected Sub EmployeeDetailsFormView_ItemUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles EmployeeDetailsFormView.ItemUpdating Dim Location_DropDownList As DropDownList = CType(EmployeeDetailsFormView.FindControl("Location_DropDownList"), DropDownList) e.NewValues("LocationId") = Location_DropDownList.SelectedValue End Sub ===== Breaking Excel VBA Project Passwords ===== - Open the Excel file in a Hex Editor (XVI32 will do nicely). - Search for the text string "DPB=". - Change it to "DPx=". - Save and close. - Open in Excel. - Open VBA project (Alt + F11) - ignore errors. - Right click the project and select //Foo Properties...// - Change the password and save. ===== Running Unit Tests with Code Coverage ===== ==== Create the Test Settings ==== - In Visual Studio, from the main menu, select //Test// → //Edit Test Settings// → //Local (Local.testsettings)//. - [Test Settings] Select the //Save As// button. - [Save As] Enter 'CodeCoverage.testsettings' and select //OK//. - [Test Settings] Select //Data and Diagnostics//. - [Test Settings] Enable //Code Coverage//. - [Test Settings] Double-click //Code Coverage//. - [Code Coverage Detail] Select the assembly or assemblies that you wish to have code coverage for. Normally this would be the non-test assemblies. - [Code Coverage Detail] Select OK. - [Test Settings] Select //Apply// and then //Close//. - [Save Dialog] Select //Yes//. - Done. Test settings should be checked into source control. ==== Running Unit Test with Code Coverage ==== - In Visual Studio, from the main menu, select //Test// → //Select Active Test Settings// → //Local (CodeCoverage.testsettings)//. - Change the build configuration to **Debug**. - From the main menu, select //Build// → //Configuration Manager...//. - [Configuration Manager] Set the //Active Solution Configuration// to **Debug**. - [Configuration Manager] Select //Close//. - If the target is signed, temporarily remove it. - Open the project properties. - Select the //Signing// tab. - Uncheck the //Sign the assembly// check box. - Save the project. - Run the unit tests. - Turn the Code Coverage Colouring on and off in the Code Coverage Results window. ===== Converting a Web Site Project to a Web Application Project ===== ...and maintaining version history. - [SubVersion] Export the trunk to a temp directory. * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk'' - [Text Editor] In the temp solution, open the solution file. * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.sln'' - [Text Editor] Find the section that has Web Site Project. It will look something like:Project("{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}") = "SuperApp.Web", "SuperApp.Web", "{C92B633A-C441-4FB6-904B-EEA604BAAF15}" ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject ... ProjectReferences = "{0A231AD6-AF0C-45C1-B441-2AB97BC40975}|SuperApp.DataAccess.dll;{96DC8217-C24D-4851-B4C2-92FBE60727CC}|SuperApp.Business.dll;" ... EndProjectSection EndProject - [Text Editor] Note down any project references for later. In the example above, the Web Site Project references ''SuperApp.DataAccess.dll'' and ''SuperApp.Business.dll''. - [Text Editor] Delete the entire Web Site Project (from ''Project'' to ''EndProject'' inclusive) and save. - [Windows Explorer] In the temp solution, delete the entire Web Site Project directory * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web'' - [Visual Studio] Open the temp solution. - [Visual Studio] Create a new ASP.NET Empty Web Application in the old Web Site Project directory. **Make sure it is the correct language (VB or C#)!** The language of new ASP.NET Empty Web Application **must** match the existing Web Site Project. * C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web - [Visual Studio] Save and close. - [SubVersion] Copy and rename to a branch. * ''C:\Dev\SuperApp\trunk'' -> ''C:\Dev\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App'' - [Text Editor] In the branch solution, open the solution file. * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App\SuperApp.sln'' - [Text Editor] Remove the Web Site Project and save. - [Windows Explorer] Copy from the temp solution to the branch solution: * (C#) ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web\Properties'' -> ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App\SuperApp.Web'' * (VB) ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web\My Project'' -> ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App\SuperApp.Web'' * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web\SuperApp.Web.csproj'' -> ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App\SuperApp.Web'' * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web\Web.Debug.config'' -> ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App\SuperApp.Web'' * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web\Web.Release.config'' -> ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App\SuperApp.Web'' - [Text Editor] The Web.config in the branch solution probably does not need to be changed, but open both and check just in case. * ''C:\Dev\SuperApp\branches\Converting to Web App\SuperApp.Web\Web.config'' * ''C:\Temp\SuperApp\trunk\SuperApp.Web\Web.config'' - [Visual Studio] Open the branch solution. - [Visual Studio] In the Solution Explorer, turn on Show All files. - [Visual Studio] In the Web App project, include all the file and directories except the Bin and Obj directories. - [Visual Studio] Right click the Web App project and select Manage NuGet Packages. - [Visual Studio, Manage NuGet Packages dialog] If there is a message about restoring NuGet packages, do it. - [Visual Studio] Add the project references noted down in step 4. - [Visual Studio] Right click each ''ASPX'' file and select Convert To Web Application. - [Visual Studio] Set the Web App project as the start up project, and set the appropriate start page. - [Visual Studio] Cross fingers and run it. ===== Click To Reveal Row ===== ...
... ...
Private _alternateRow As Boolean Protected ReadOnly Property AlternatingGridRowClass() As String Get _alternateRow = Not _alternateRow Return If(_alternateRow, "GridAlternatingRow", "GridRow") End Get End Property ===== Debug Update Parameters ===== Protected Sub Foo_ObjectDataSource_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs) _ Handles Foo_ObjectDataSource.Updating Dim iod As IOrderedDictionary = e.InputParameters For Each de As DictionaryEntry In iod System.Diagnostics.debug.print(de.Key & "=" & de.Value) Next End Sub ===== XhtmlConformance Breaks UpdatePanel ===== ASP.NET's UpdatePanel will not work if xhtmlConformance mode is set to Legacy in the ''Web.config'' file: Take it out of the ''Web.config'' file - it almost certainly does not need to be in there. ===== Set Up VLC Remote ===== With **administrator** privileges, edit the ''C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\http\.hosts'' file, and set it to: ::/0 This will probably need to be done every time a new version of VLC is installed. ===== Netcetera Internal Server Error ===== {{::netcetera_internal_server_error.png|}} Probably caused by the ''Web.config'' file. Remove the following, if they exist:
Removing these from the ''Web.config'' doesn't seem to matter, but if it does, try adding the relevant DLL files and see if that fixes the problem.