====== Restore Wiki Procedure ====== TODO: Change the ''Prepare New Wiki.ps1'' script to generate a .zip file, otherwise the Kudo thing won't upload it. - [//Terminal//] Run ''& 'D:\Bin\Rimu\General Scripts\Refresh Local Wiki.ps1' '' - [//Rimu//] Open a Windows Explorer at the backup location (''%%D:\Backups\Wiki\Full\data\pages%%'') - [//Browser//] Find the most [[http://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php?do=recent|recently changed wiki page]] and check that the back up has the change (''wiki\data\pages''). - [//Browser//] Download the latest version of the [[http://download.dokuwiki.org/|Wiki software]]. Toggle off all the languages and click 'Start Download' at the **bottom** of the page. - [//Rimu//] Extract files, rename root directory to ''dokuwiki'' (if necessary), and move to Downloads (''C:\Users\micro\Downloads''). - [//Terminal//] Run ''& 'D:\Bin\Rimu\General Scripts\Prepare New Wiki.ps1' '' - [//Rimu//] Check the file ''C:\Users\micro\Downloads\dokuwiki\web.config'' exists. - [//Browser//] Start a [[https://tallguyracing-wiki.scm.azurewebsites.net/DebugConsole/?shell=powershell|PowerShell debug console]] (Kudo). - [//Browser,Kudo//] Navigate to: ''/site/backups'' - [//Browser,Kudo//] Delete ''2023xxxx-wwwroot.7z''. - [//Azure Portal//] TODO: Try skipping this step. Restart the [[https://portal.azure.com/#@09e59351-6930-4410-a75a-e4a8ea2fa4c6/resource/subscriptions/2f06a290-7493-4b82-bb45-3387c0b6b2ec/resourceGroups/Aussie/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/TallGuyRacing-Wiki/appServices|'TallGuyRacing-Wiki' App Service]] (so that the delete works). - [//Browser,Kudo//] Navigate to: ''/site/wwwroot'' - [//Browser,Kudo//] Create backup: ''7za.exe a -mhe ..\backups\20210110-wwwroot.7z .'' - [//Browser,Kudo//] Refresh, check backup file exists. Should be about 20 - 30MB. - [//Browser,Kudo//] Check the deletion of existing wiki stuff: ''Get-ChildItem . | Where-Object {!($_.Name -in '.well-known', 'backup-wiki.php', 'App_Data', 'test.php', 'test.jpg' ) } | Remove-Item -Recurse -WhatIf'' - [//Browser,Kudo//] Delete existing wiki stuff: ''Get-ChildItem . | Where-Object {!($_.Name -in '.well-known', 'backup-wiki.php', 'App_Data', 'test.php', 'test.jpg' ) } | Remove-Item -Recurse'' - [//Browser,Kudo//] Upload ''C:\Users\God\Downloads\dokuwiki\wiki.zip'' to ''/site/wwwroot''. Drag and drop it. It should extract itself. - [//Browser,Kudo//] Delete the source (if it still exists): ''Remove-Item wiki.zip'' - [//Browser (private session)//] Go to the [[http://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php|wiki]] and log on as admin. - [//Browser (private session)//] Go to Admin -> [[http://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php?id=start&do=admin&page=searchindex|Searchindex Manager]] -> Rebuild index. - [//Browser (private session)//] Go to Admin -> [[https://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php?id=restore_wiki_procedure&do=admin&page=styling|Template Style Settings]]. - [//Browser (private session)//] Set 'The width of the full site' to ''120em''. - [//Browser (private session)//] Go to the Admin -> [[http://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php?id=start&do=admin&page=extension|Extension Manager]] page. - [//Browser (private session)//] Remove unused plugins, update plugins that require updating. - [//Browser//] Verify the plugins work (see [[#plugin_checks|Plugin Checks]] below). - [//Browser//] Verify [[http://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/data/pages/wiki/dokuwiki.txt|this file]] is *not* accessible. If it is, something is wrong with web.config file. See [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/security|here]] for more info. - [//Browser//] Verify search works (including private pages). - [//Browser//] Verify old revisions work and page comparison. - [//Browser//] Verify editing a page and previewing an edited page works. - [//Rimu//] Delete the contents of ''%%D:\Backups\Wiki\Full%%'' (but not the directory). - [//Terminal//] Run ''& 'C:\Bin\Athena\General Scripts\Refresh Local Wiki.ps1' '' ===== Style Checks ===== A ''Code bit'' should look good. It is defined in ''/site/wwwroot/conf/userall.css'' which should come from ''D:\Bin\Common\Wiki Site Root Files\conf\userall.css'' ===== Plugin Checks ===== ==== Comment Syntax Plugin ==== Verify there is nothing after this line. /* The Comment Syntax plugin is not working. */ ==== Tag Plugin ==== - Verify the tags at the bottom of this page are okay. - Click one to verify tag lists are okay. - Try [[https://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php?id=tag:code_snippet&do=showtag&tag=code_snippet|this link]]. ==== Pagelist Plugin ==== This should look okay: {{topic>code_snippet -archived}} ==== Blockquote Plugin ==== This should look okay:
Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.[[http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2025:44&version=NIV|Leviticus 25:44 OT (New International Version)]]
==== Move ==== Ensure there is a paint brush icon with 'Rename Page' attached to this page at the top right. ===== Plugin List ===== - [[http://www.foosel.org/snippets/dokuwiki/blockquote#with_plugin_manager|Blockquote Plugin]] - [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:commentsyntax|Comment Syntax Plugin]]. - [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:move|Move Plugin]] - [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:pagelist|Pagelist Plugin]] - [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:searchindex|Searchindex Manager]] - [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:tag|Tag Plugin]] ===== Troubleshooting ===== - Check the web server can serve an [[https://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/test.jpg|image]]. - Check the web server can serve a [[https://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/test.php|basic PHP page]]. - Logs. Probably have to [[https://portal.azure.com/#@09e59351-6930-4410-a75a-e4a8ea2fa4c6/resource/subscriptions/2f06a290-7493-4b82-bb45-3387c0b6b2ec/resourceGroups/Aussie/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/TallGuyRacing-Wiki/appservicelogs|enable logging]] first. Can view either the [[https://portal.azure.com/#@09e59351-6930-4410-a75a-e4a8ea2fa4c6/resource/subscriptions/2f06a290-7493-4b82-bb45-3387c0b6b2ec/resourceGroups/Aussie/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/TallGuyRacing-Wiki/logStream|Portal Log Stream]] or the [[https://tallguyracing-wiki.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/logstream|Kudu Log Stream]]. Not sure which works better. Takes a while to come through. ==== Plugins ==== Last time it was the plugins that broke the wiki. - [//FileZilla//] Delete everything from ''/site/wwwroot/lib/plugins''. - [//FileZilla//] Download a fresh copy of the wiki and upload the ''plugins'' directory. - [//Browser//] Log into wiki as admin, go to the [[http://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php?id=start&do=admin&page=extension|Extension Manager]] - [//Browser//] Search and install all the plugins list above. - [//Browser//] Go to [[http://tallguyracing-wiki.azurewebsites.net/doku.php?id=start&do=admin&page=searchindex|Searchindex Manager]], rebuild index. ===== Rate Limiting the Searchindex Manager plugin ===== This probably doesn't need to be done, now that the wiki is hosted on Azure. - [//Ares//] Open ''wiki/lib/plugins/searchindex/ajax.php'' in Notepad++. - [//Notepad++//] Add the sleep line of code near the bottom of the file: // do the work $success = idx_addPage($_POST['page'], false, $force); sleep(5); - [//Notepad++//] Save new version of the file. {{tag>wiki meta admin backup restore}}