====== Reaper: Mastering And Rendering ====== - Add 'ReaLimit' FX to master track. - Add ''JS: Loudness Meter Peak/RMS/LUFS'' FX to master track. - Adjust the threshold in the limiter, until **LUFS-I** in meter is what you want. Note that **LUFS-I** only works properly if the whole song is played. - To hear the effect of the limiter threshold without the change in volume, check the Link option. - These two plugins use quite a bit of CPU, so should be disabled until rendering is required. ===== Mastering with REAPER stock FX Plugins ===== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUkpuA-DwyQ|Video]]. - Add these FX to the master track: - ''JS: Soft Clipper/Limiter'' - Boost: 0.0 - 1.0 db. (to taste) - Output Brickwall: -1.0 db - ''VST: ReaLimit'' - Threshold: -2.0 db - Brickwall Ceiling: -1.0 - ''JS: Loudness Meter Peak/RMS/LUFS'' - ''VST: ReaXcomp'' - Top Freq 1: 254 Hz - Top Freq 2: 3500 Hz - Top Freq 2: 24000 Hz - Threshold: -12.0 db - Ratio: 2 :1 - Knee: 0.0 db - Attack: 100 ms - Release: 100 ms - RMS size: 3 ms - We don't want the limiter working too hard - it should just be knocking down a few peaks here and there. ===== Make the bass more mono ===== - ''JS: Mid/Side Encoder'' - ''VST: ReaEQ'' - Pin connector: Switch off input 1 & output 1. Should be 2 ⇒ Input R, and Output R ⇒ 2. - Low Shelf: -6 db, 200Hz, 0.80 oct - ''JS: Mid/Side Decoder'' ===== Levels ===== Generally speaking, it is recommended to aim for a range between -14 and -16 dB LUFS. | Spotify | -14 LUFS | | Apple Music | -16 LUFS | | Amazon Music | -9 to -13 LUFS | | Youtube | -13 to -15 LUFS | | Deezer | -14 to -16 LUFS | | CD | -9 LUFS | | Soundcloud | -8 to -13 LUFS | ===== Rendering ===== * Preview (dry run) render. Ideally: * Peak -0.1 * Clip: 0 * LUFS-I: Refer to table * To prevent clipping: * Add ''JS: Event Horizon Limiter/Clipper'' to master track. * Threshold: 0.0 (no change in LUFS-I) or decrease to make louder * Ceiling: -0.1 * Release: 0.0 * 2nd pass render: checked * Resample mode: r8brain free * Normalize ON, LUFS-I, -10 LU Make sure the track is mastered correctly as above. * Format: MP3 (encoder by LAME project) * Mode: Target quality (VBR), Maximum q=0 (slow) * Quality: 70 ===== Hear the effect of the limiter ===== This trick will enable you to hear the effect of the limiter without changing the volume. - Add ''JS: Event Horizon Limiter/Clipper'' to master track. - Threshold: 0.0 - Ceiling: -0.0 - Release: 0.0 - Select Edit button. - Scroll down to ''@slider''. - Add ''slider2=slider1;'' afterwards. - Threshold & Ceiling are now linked. Decrease the Threshold to hear the artifacts of the limiter. {{tag>reaper}}