====== Port Road Notes ====== ===== Prep ===== * Use the best rubber you have available. It **will** make a difference. * Watch your videos from the previous event. Figure out where the gear changes are. * Check tire pressures. Aim for 32 PSI hot for semi slicks. * Turn off windscreen washer taps. ===== On The Day ===== * Don't drive like a dick. You will enjoy the event more if you try for the best time you can possibly do. Don't try and do a massive burn out off the start line. Port road is not the event for fucking around. * Don't try and do the first corner in second gear without lifting off unless: * The track is dry, * You have good rubber on the rears **and** * It is not your first run of the day. ===== Track Notes ===== * **Start** Lots of revs off the start line. Better to have a bit of tyre spin than bog down the engine. * **First corner** Change into third while buttoning off. Ease the gas on carefully. * **First barrel** You are going faster than you think. Brake a bit early. * **Ambulance corner** Stay in third. * **Alleyway** short shift to third. * **Alleyway, final exit** Button off more than you think you need to. It will set you up for the final corner and is the fastest way through. Brake //really hard//. ===== Morning Schedule ===== * 5:30am Alarm * 6:20am Leave home * 6:40am Arrive at venue * 7:30am Set up * 7:45am Driver's briefing ===== Results ===== ^ Date ^ Best Time ^ Notes ^ | 21 October 2018 | 96.20 | | | 20 January 2019 | 96.22 | | | 22 October 2017 | 96.59 | | | 21 October 201? | 96.63 | | | 24 January 2016 | 97.07 | Tires make a difference... | | 21 January 2012 | 98.21 | | | 18 January 2015 | 99.09 | | | 22 January 2012 | 99.2 | | | 23 October 2011 | 101.77 | You can do better than this. | {{tag>motorsport,port_road,notes}}