====== Foobar2000 Setup ====== ===== Post Installation Setup ===== ==== Install Components ==== - [Foobar2000] Open Preferences. - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Components. Install the following from ''E:\Installs\Foobar2000 Components'': - [[https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_dsp_effect/release/0.47|Effect DSP v0.47]] - foo_midi.fb2k-component - foo_masstag.fb2k-component - foo_prettypop.zip - foo_TagBox_00212.zip - Extract ''E:\Installs\Foobar2000 Components\foo_title-0.8.1.zip'' to a temp directory. - Copy ''dotnet_title.dll'' and ''foo_managedWrapper.dll'' to ''C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\components''. - Copy the directory ''foo_title'' to ''%appdata%\foobar2000''. - Copy the TGR skin to ''%appdata%\foobar2000\foo_title''. ==== Preferences Setup ==== - [Foobar2000] Open Preferences. - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Display > Default User Interface - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Import Theme - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Use the latest theme from ''?\Application Settings\Foobar2000''. - The following may not be require. Please remove whatever is already set from importing the theme. - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Display > Default User Interface > Playlist View - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Custom columns: - Genre, %genre%, left - Tag Type, $info(tagtype), left - Modified, %last_modified%, left - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Custom grouping schemes: - Artist - Album, %artist% - %album% - [Foobar2000] Display -> foo_title. - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Appearance tab, Installed skins: TGR. - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Misc tab, Turn the 'Normal opacity' down a bit and set 'Fade length' to about 241. - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Keyboard Shortcuts: - Win + ], Playback / Volume / Down, global - Win + \, Playback / Volume / Up, global - Win + Z, Playback / Play or pause, global - Win + X, Playback / Next, global - F11, Playback / Order / Default, not global - F12, Playback / Order / Shuffle (tracks), not global - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Media library: - Music folders: ''E:\Mp3s'' (only) - Library viewer selection playlist > Enabled: Checked. - Library viewer selection playlist > Activate when changed: Checked. - [Foobar2000, Preferences] Playback: - Check 'Cursor follows playback'. - Check 'Playback follows cursor'. - Uncheck 'Reset the above when stopping'. ==== File Operations Setup ==== - [Foobar2000] Right click a file > File operations > Rename to... - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] File name pattern: ''%artist% - %title%'' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Presets: 'Filename Only' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Uncheck 'Show output files when done' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Presets: Save - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Operation type: Move - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Destination folder: ''E:\New Music\Clean'' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] File name pattern: ''%artist%\%album%\%artist% - %title%'' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Uncheck 'Move entire source folder content' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Check 'Remove empty source folders' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Uncheck 'Show output files when done' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Presets: 'New Music Clean' - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Presets: Save - [Foobar2000, File Operation Setup] Close ==== Tag Scripts Setup ==== - [Foobar2000] Right click a file > Tagging > Manage Scripts - [Foobar2000, Masstagger] Script > Import from file... - [Foobar2000, Masstagger] Select a script from ''?\Application Settings\Foobar2000''. - [Foobar2000, Masstagger] Script > (Name): Set name to match file name minus the date prefix. - [Foobar2000, Masstagger] Script > Save. - [Foobar2000, Masstagger] Repeat for any other script files in ''?\Application Settings\Foobar2000''. ==== Converter Setup ==== - [Foobar2000] Right click a file > Convert > ... - [Foobar2000, Converter Setup] Output format > MP3 (LAME), 190 kbps, V2 > Back - [Foobar2000, Converter Setup] Destination - Output path: Source track folder - Output style...: Name format: ''Converted\%artist% - %title%'' - Back - [Foobar2000, Converter Setup] Processing: None. - [Foobar2000, Converter Setup] Other: When finished: * Transfer attached pictures. - [Foobar2000, Converter Setup] Save: ''Music (Mp3 190kbps VBR)'' - [Foobar2000, Converter Setup] Convert - [Foobar2000, Transcode warning] Yeah, yeah, yeah... - [Foobar2000, Please locate lame.exe] ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Anki'' ==== Toolbar Setup ==== Icons should be: - Remove all pictures, landscape with delete icon on it. - Remove stuff I don't like, question mark icon. - File rename, chest(?) icon. ===== Post Update Setup ===== After updating: - Copy ''foo_managedWrapper.dll'' from ''C:\Users\stephen\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\user-components\foo_managedWrapper'' to ''C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\components''. - [Foobar2000] File -> Preferences -> foo_title. - [Foobar2000, Preferences: foo_title] Appearance tab, Installed skins: TGR. - [Foobar2000, Preferences: foo_title] Misc tab, Turn the //Normal opacity// down a bit and set //Fade length// to about 241. {{tag>setup settings foobar foobar2000}}