===== Essential Software ===== ^ Application ^ Chocolatey ^ Notes ^ | Chocolatey | | | Microsoft Security Essentials | ''cinst MicrosoftSecurityEssentials'' | | | Firefox | ''cinst Firefox'' | | | Google Chrome | ''cinst GoogleChrome '' | | | Notepad++ | ''cinst notepadplusplus'' | Also get Aspell **and** the English dictionary. See [[notepadplusplus_setup|Notepad++ Setup]]. | | WinMerge | ''cinst winmerge'' | Consider SemanticMerge for code. | | 7-Zip | ''cinst 7zip'' | | | TortoiseSVN | ''cinst tortoisesvn'' | | | Sysinternals | ''cinst sysinternals'' | | | ActivePerl | ''cinst ActivePerl'' | | | Expresso | ''cinst expresso'' | | | IcoFX | ''cinst IcoFx'' | | | Foobar2000 | ''cinst foobar2000'' | See [[foobar2000_setup|Foobar2000 Setup]]. | | TrueCrypt | ''cinst truecrypt'' | Or install the [[https://github.com/AuditProject/truecrypt-verified-mirror/tree/master/Windows|verified binaries]]. | | VeraCrypt | | [[http://veracrypt.codeplex.com/]] | | GIMP | ''cinst gimp'' | Don't bother installing the help - it is just a copy of what is on the web. | | Paint.net | ''cinst paint.net'' | | | Inkscape | | ''cinst InkScape'' | | WinDirStat | ''cinst windirstat'' | | | Everything | ''cinst everything'' | (File searcher) | | JPEGView | ''cinst jpegview'' | | | VLC | ''cinst vlc'' | | | Fiddler | ''cinst fiddler'' | | | FileZilla | ''cinst filezilla'' | [[https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1|Download updates here.]] | | WindowsPad | | | | AutoHotKey | ''cinst autohotkey_l'' | | | dbForge SQL Complete | | [[http://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/sqlcomplete/|Install]] | | ApexSQL Complete | | Don't install this - slow shitty piece of software. | | Sumatra PDF | ''cinst sumatrapdf'' | | | PDF Creator | ''cinst PDFCreator'' | Looks like it needs to be a [[http://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/download-free-pdf-viewer.html|manual install]]. | | VirtualBox | ''cinst virtualbox'' | | | Agent Ransack | ''cinst ransack'' | Windows XP only. | | XP Task Switcher | | Windows XP only. | | [[http://support.stackify.com/hc/en-us/categories/201177633-Prefix|Stackify Prefix]] | | ===== Software To Install When Needed ===== * TestDisk (file / partition recovery) * Google Earth * InfraRecorder (CD & DVD burning) * [[http://openmidiproject.sourceforge.jp/Sekaiju_en.html|Sekaiju]] (MIDI editor) * Stellarium (cinst Stellarium) ===== Software I'm Evaluating ===== * Avidemux (Video editing) * [[http://www.sliderocket.com|SlideRocket]] (Web based alternative to PowerPoint) * conemu-maximus5 (Command line prompt) * Imgv (Image viewer) shit. ===== Visual Studio Extensions ===== ^ Extension ^ Notes ^ | Code alignment | | | NuGet Package Manager | | | Spell Checker | | | Productivity Power Tools | (?) | | Web Essentials | Gives HTML Zen. | | Code Maid | Try it out. | I prefer ReSharper over CodeRush. ===== Chrome Extensions ===== ^ Extension ^ Notes ^ | Postman - REST Client | | | Tampermonkey | | ===== Setting Up TortoiseSVN ===== Settings -> External Programs -> Diff Viewer ... different revisions of **files** C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe -e -ub -dl %bname -dr %yname %base %mine ... different revisions of **properties** C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe Settings -> External Programs -> Merge Tool "C:\Users\stephen\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe" -s=%theirs -d=%mine -b=%base -r=%merged -sn=%yname -dn=%tname -bn=%bname -l=csharp -emt=default -edt=default {{tag>reference software}}