====== Dump the Session Variable ====== ' Dump the session variable Dim file As New System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\temp\Session Dump.txt", True) Try Dim i As Integer Dim key, type As String file.WriteLine("****************** " + Now().ToShortDateString() + " " + Now().ToShortTimeString() + " ******************") For i = 0 To Session.Keys.Count - 1 key = Session.Keys.Item(i) If Session.Item(i) Is Nothing Then type = "(Null)" Else type = Session.Item(i).GetType().ToString() End If If type.StartsWith("System.String") Or type.StartsWith("System.Int") Or type.StartsWith("System.Boolean") Then file.WriteLine("Session(""" + key + """) as " + type + " : " + CType(Session.Item(i), String)) Else file.WriteLine("Session(""" + key + """) as " + type) End If Next Finally file.Close() End Try Or try this: ' Dump the session variable Debug.WriteLine("****************** " + Now().ToShortDateString() + " " + Now().ToShortTimeString() + " ******************") Debug.Indent() For i = 0 To Session.Keys.Count - 1 key = Session.Keys.Item(i) If Session.Item(i) Is Nothing Then type = "(Null)" Else type = Session.Item(i).GetType().ToString() End If If type.StartsWith("System.String") Or type.StartsWith("System.Int") Or type.StartsWith("System.Boolean") Then Debug.WriteLine("Session(""" + key + """) as " + type + " : " + CType(Session.Item(i), String)) Else Debug.WriteLine("Session(""" + key + """) as " + type) End If Next Debug.Unindent() Debug.Flush() {{tag>code_snippet vb session_variable}}