====== Change Wallpaper ====== # Changes the wallpaper to a randomly selected file. # Version 1.0 # Last updated 2011-02-18 use strict; use warnings; use Win32::API; use constant SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER => 20; use constant SPIF_UPDATEANDSENDINI => 3; use constant NULL => 0; my @files = <"C:/11000 x 7703 (Raw)/Wallpaper/*.bmp">; my @file = $files[int(rand(@files))]; print "@file\n"; my $syspinf = Win32::API->new('user32','SystemParametersInfo', 'IIPI', 'I') or die "Could not import function.\n"; $syspinf->Call(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, NULL, @file, SPIF_UPDATEANDSENDINI); {{tag>code_snippet wallpaper windows perl}}