====== Buckets Release Procedure ====== ===== Update Local Dev Database From Live Production ===== - Open [[https://p3mssqladmin.secureserver.net/33?uniqueDnsEntry=tgrbuckets.db.2880518.hostedresource.com|SQL Server Web Admin]] - Execute \\ SELECT DataFillSQL FROM DataFill0p1 ORDER BY MajorSortOrder, MinorSortOrder - Export to CSV, Save to ''C:\Dev\BucketsMVC - Trunk\BucketsMvc.Database\Buckets0.1\40 Data Fill.sql''. - Edit and remove the first line (DataFillSQL - the column heading). - Run the ''Generate Everything.bat'' script. ===== Update Live UAT Database From Local Dev ===== - Run this against the local dev database: \\ UPDATE BucketsUser SET UserId = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawn-vBsC1mKkkndgXJ-L7ezcLNZNo-8uPS8' WHERE ScreenName = 'Stephen' - Backup the database and store the ''.bak'' file in the temp directory. - Run this against the local dev database: \\ UPDATE BucketsUser SET UserId = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmSf92vlJ8eNmaFrJaO09UwCD2MoINu6r4' WHERE ScreenName = 'Stephen' - Zip the ''.bak'' file. - Log on to the [[https://my.netcetera.co.uk/cp/Default.aspx?pid=SpaceMsSql2008&mid=100&ctl=edit_item&ItemID=87963&SpaceID=6612|WebsitePanel]]. - Maintenance Tools → Restore. - Upload the zip file.