====== Atom Setup ====== See [[https://tallguy789.visualstudio.com/AtomSetup|AtomSetup project]]. - Install Atom. - [Windows Explorer] Create a temp directory. - [ConEmu] Change to temp directory. - [ConEmu] ''git clone https://tallguy789.visualstudio.com/_git/AtomSetup .'' - [Windows Explorer] Copy the contents of the temp directory over the ''C:\Users\Stephen\.atom'' directory. - [ConEmu] Change to the Atom directory. - [ConEmu] ''git status'' - make sure there are no changes. - [Atom] Settings -> Install -> Install 'package-sync' package. - [Atom] Run the ''Package Sync: Sync'' command. - [Atom] Test that ctrl-shift-F4 closes all tabs except the current one. ===== Packages Setup ===== - Install the ''package-sync'' package. - Run the ''Package Sync: Create Package List'' command. - Run the ''Package Sync: Open Package List'' command. - Compare with list below and update as necessary. - Run the ''Package Sync: Sync'' command. Note that this will not remove packages. packages: [ "atom-alignment" "emmet" "language-cshtml" "minimap" "open-recent" "package-sync" "pigments" "set-syntax" ] ===== Settings Setup ===== Look in ''C:\Users\stephenh\.atom\config.cson''. Make sure you have [[https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode|Fira Code]] installed. "*": core: disabledPackages: [ "git-diff" "language-c" "language-clojure" "language-gfm" "language-git" "language-go" "language-java" "language-less" "language-make" "language-mustache" "language-objective-c" "language-perl" "language-php" "language-python" "language-ruby" "language-ruby-on-rails" "language-sass" "language-shellscript" "language-toml" "language-yaml" "wrap-guide" ] telemetryConsent: "limited" editor: fontFamily: "Fira Code Medium" lineHeight: 1.2 scrollPastEnd: true showInvisibles: true tabLength: 4 "exception-reporting": userId: "3262335c-cd13-59da-e7bc-9eedc1a1c87f" minimap: {} "package-sync": createOnChange: true forceOverwrite: true pigments: markerType: "dot" welcome: showOnStartup: false